Kuro Kiryu / New Incentive 3

Kuro: Oh, that's right. I have something for you, Little Miss.
Kuro: Here, some cookies. Truth is, I was going to give them to Hasumi and Kanzaki, but... It looks like Danna can't come to today's meeting.
Kuro: I'm sorry that it's not exactly a gift of thanks, but... If you'd like, could you take Hasumi's share of them?
SELECT: I'm happy.
Kuro: I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure those cookies would also be happy if you could eat them.
Kuro: Next time I'll bring something made especially for you, so please accept it again.
SELECT: I'll give my thanks next time.
Kuro: Hey, hey, that kind of thing would go on forever. I don't need any thanks, Little Miss.
Kuro: If you really want, then next time, you can let me know about a clothing exhibition you went to. How's that sound?
SELECT Is that okay?
Kuro: Yeah. Eating something that you planned to give to someone else doesn't taste very good. I'll make more that I can give to Hasumi.
Kuro: They're amateurish, but it's been taste tested. I hope that you think they're delicious, as well, Little Miss.